Open Classes at Casco Bay Movers

Deepen your relationship to your body and dance little house. Classes are taught by members of little house and guest artists. These classes are geared toward movers of all levels and for folks who are looking to expand their knowledge and understanding of improvisation and movement training. Our classes explores various training modalities including improvisation, spontaneous composition, authentic movement, floor work, and release technique. Check the schedule for information about specific class styles and teachers.

Tuesday Mornings 1030am - Noon

@ Casco Bay Movers

$15 drop in

*Sign up to pay online or pay in Cash/Card at the door*

Teachers & Class Descriptions


Heather’s class draws on elements of her creative process and asks dancers to engage their sensory system. You’ll be invited to create warmth in your body through fleshy movement and self care. This class will fluctuate between improvisation, visualization, floor work, and release based techniques. Expect to explore movement phrases that address strength and stamina while focusing on using the breath to carry and expand movement. Working with movement that is rooted in momentum we will focus on covering space while developing full body connections.


This class is an improvisation based exploration of your body in space and your compositional mind. Focusing on task-based prompts that involve imagery, text, and music, together we will create movement and play with how that movement can shift and change our patterns into something new. 


Class will begin with a warmup on the floor, which will build into many different practices of pushing and pulling, tracing the body, core-distal connection, and finding the curve and stretch of your torso. The second half of class shifts into more phrase-building and applying our practices to movement both across the floor and in center. The last few moments of class, we’ll use the concepts we built at the beginning to create an improvisational container.