It takes a team of people to make the creation and presentation of dance work possible. This team is made of artists, audience members, and supporters. little house dance company is thankful to its generous supporters, past and present.
little house has been trying to raise more awareness of the challenges we are faced with as a small dance organization. We believe that dance and the performing arts are a valuable part of life and contribute to the vibrancy of our community in Maine. When you choose to donate you are letting us know that you also believe in the value of dance in our community.
Donations and in kind support make up close to 50% of our yearly budget. Your support is essential to the work and ongoing presence of little house dance.
As artists, we understand how challenging it can be to meet basic needs and necessities. With every performance, class, or workshop little house does everything we can to make it possible for as many people as possible to experience our work.
little house dance is fiscally sponsored by Fractured Atlas.
To help support little house dance company’s current projects and ongoing activities, please make a tax-deductible donation
Join our Sustainer’s Circle
little house recently formed our Sustainers Circle. Members of the Sustainers Circle commit to contributing between $250 - $5000 to help offset the financial shortages in arts funding. This circle is made up of people who want to see more dance and performance programming in Maine, and understand that there is a lack of support for this type of work in New England and the broader arts community.
Interested in joining, or learning more? Reach out to to have a conversation with us or to join our Sustainers Circle.
Thank you to our community partners and funders